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tv   CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley  CBS  June 30, 2015 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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re on cbs-3 at 1:00. >> up >> pelley: scorched earth after wildfires invade a western community, residents return to nothing. also tonight millions could see bigger paychecks under a plan announced today by the president pain new campaign against the number three killer of americans. what you know could save someone you love. and misty copeland, a ballerina makes her leap into history. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: firefighters in central washington state are in for another long night and thousand of homeowners have been warned they may have to evacuate. a wildfire that kicked up sunday is burning out of control after tearing through the town of
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wenachy. those who returned home today found little to salvage. more than a dozen large fires are burning in the west tonight and joanna small of our seattle affiliate kiro is in wenatchee. >> the massive sleepy hollow wildfire burned through the canyons and hills of central washington state destroying 24 homes and forcing thousands to evacuate. the blaze ignited in brush and quickly spread when embers blew into downtown wenned atchee. incident commander nathan rabe said wind was their biggest problem. >> as this fire extended with the winds that they had it threw embers and stuff downwind. >> reporter: in the hardest hit neighbor of broad view, fire crews worked through the night sunday hosing down houses. jon dominguez left when the fire started approaching his house sunday night. >> oh, my god this power is so impressive. big orange dploa, kind of a
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fireball, and a lot of black smoke billowing. >> reporter: he returned home monday to rubble. >> this is all i have now is-- it's just heartbreaking. >> reporter: through 3,000 acres have been lost in the sleepy hollow fire but fires are increasing daily throughout and west in alaska. so far $91 million has been spent on fires currently burning in the western states and alaska. activity was much lighter at this time last year. only $5 million by the end of june 2014. officials tell us this fire was incredibly difficult to fight because of large embers like this one even larger in should cases. they got picked up in the air and dropped sometimes miles away from the original fire starting an entirely new fire. officials now tell us they have a good handle on these flames and, scott they hope to have more of this fire contained by tonight. >> pelley: joanna small of cbs affiliate kiro, thank you joanna. the u.s. justice deparment has found that police in ferguson
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missouri made last summer's riots worse not better. the federal investigation has not been released, but justice correspondent jeff pegues has want results. >> reporter: in the 17 days after the shooting of michael brown, massive protests and clashes with police led to at least 212 arrests and 28 injuries. a summary of the department of justice report highlightaise litany of fairlies in the response accomplice response. the deployment of snipers was an unappropriate crowd control measure. tear gas was deployed inappropriately without proper warnings. police dogs exacerbated tensions by unnecessarily inciting fear and anger among amassing crowds. officers outfitted with military-style uniforms and equipment produced a negative public reaction. >> you must disperse immediately. >> reporter: and ordering the crowd to keep moving i have lighted citizens' right to assembly and free speech.
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the report also says the response was flawed from the start as law enforcement quickly released information about michael brown's death community distrust and media skepticism would most likely have been lessen pd upon the full report will not be out for weeks. the ferguson police department told us today that it is reviewing the justice deparment's conclusions. scott st. louis county police says it wants to learn from the extreme challenges officers faced. >> pelley: jeff, thank you. in new york state, the breakout has led to a shake-up. today at the prison where two convicted killers escaped through pipes and tunnels 12 staffers were shown the door. at least for now. here's anna werner. >> reporter: this photo obtained by cbs news shows escapee richard matt after he was killed by border patrol agents who shot him in the head. meanwhile, the consequences for the prison escapes start at the
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top. a state official briefed on the matter told cbs news the three top executives put on administrative paid leave are superintendent steven racette first deputy superintendent donald quinn and deputy superintendent for security stephen brown. nine security staff were also put on paid leave. the action came as david sweat shot and captured sunday, revealed more details of the escape plan. clinton county district attorney andrew wylie confirms that sweat told police he and richard matt conducted a practice run the night before the escape. sweat also said he had a transistor radio and listened to news report and had with him a compass, maps, bug repellent and handi-wipes. the f.b.i. is nowp investigating be whether there was construction at the prison and a possible drug ring. >> drugs were everywhere. >> reporter: retired prison correction said drugs are in the prison population. >> i believe the only ones there
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are the ones inmates are having brought in through visitors and passengers. >> reporter: as far as officers being involved, what would you say? >> i don't believe it. i still find it very hard to believe that the people i worked with were involved. >> reporter: we tried to reach those three top executives' staff members but were unable to reach them for comment. meanwhile, a source tells cbs news that no one has yet claimed richard matt's body. scott, he could wind up with a paper's funeral. >> pelley: anna werner reporting for us tonight just outside the prison. today in south carolina governor nikki haley said the confederate flag on the grounds of the state capitol "will come down." she spoke at the last of nine funerals for the victims of the church massacre. today, someone spray painted the statue of a segregationist governor outside the state house in columbia. there was a fist fight last night between those who want to remove the flag and those who want to keep it. lawmakers meet next monday to begin debating the flag's future
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but most legislators have said they want it gone. tonight, the greek government has missed the deadline for a debt payment to the international monetary fund, and it's asked for a third bailout. world markets are keeping an eye on the the worsening financial cries for fear that it may spread in europe. holly williams is in athens. >> reporter: greece could soon, quite literally, run out of money so the government closed the banks and limited withdrawals to just under $70 a day. day. like many here, contralis charalambos has had his pension slashed, and without a debit card, he told us, he's now penniless. >> reporter: greece has been bailed out twice in the last fev years, but in return for more than $250 billion in loans foreign creditors demanded steep
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tax hikes hikes and cuts to government salaries. after six years of austerity many greeks have had enough. the greek prime minister alexis tsipras has called a referendum for this sunday, a popular vote on whether to accept more tax increases and spending cuts. international creditors say without them, there will be no more loans. the people of athens are proud their city was the world's first democracy, and in this athenian market fishmonger paris klonis told us the power of greece' foreign creditors is simply undemocratic. >> we live like slaves and something has to change for our country. >> reporter: but in athens today, tens of thousands of greeks rallied in support of a "yes" vote. alex argyros an investment banker, told us if greece defaults on its loans the consequences will be
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catastrophic. >> poverty social unrest, people on the streets and a lot of uncertainty. >> reporter: if greece votes no what, you will you do? >> most likely if i have the ability i will choose to leave the country. >> reporter: the greek government is gambling that its creditors won't allow greece to default on its loans and will soften some of their demands. but, scott if greece miscalculates, it could end up bankrupt and also be forced to leave the single european currency sparking financial losses around the world. >> pelley: holly williams reporting for us tonight from athens. holly, thank you. u.s. markets shrugged off the greek tragedy after a sell-off yesterday, the dow gained 23 points today. as many as five million americans could get aerate under a plan that the president announced today to expand overtime pay. major garrett is at the white house. >> reporter: right now americans who make more than $23,660 per year for their
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40-hour work week are not eligible for overtime pay. under the new labor department rule that salary cap would be raised to $50,440 per year. that's the first overhaul of the overtime rules since 1975. richard trumka is president of the a.f.l.-c.i.o. >> when you put more money in the pockets of workers businesses get new customers. and when they get new customers there's new demand, and that demand creates jobs and that's what this is likely to do. >> this costs us $8to 12 million a year more a year. >> jamie richardson is a vice president at the fast food chain white castle. he says the new regulation will hurt workers as companies try to keep labor costs down. >> it's going to make it really difficult for those general managers who want to get to the next level who through their own hard-work spirit and desire to achieve are told now geez, we really can't have you do
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that. we need to have you work just 35 hours a week or 40 hours a week. >> reporter: for the first time the federal wage level for overtime pay will be adjusted for inflation each year. scott, the administration estimates that businesses will now pay under this new rule $1.2 billion in wages they were not paying before. >> pelley: and major there's breaking news. i understand you also have word toned of an announcement that will be coming from the president tomorrow. >> reporter: that's right. president obama will announce tomorrow the united states and cuba have agreed to open embassies in havana and here in washington d.c. will mark the formal reestablishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. now, there had been weeks of delay, scott, because the administration sought assurances from the top cuban officials that the next u.s. ambassador to cube awhenever he or she is nominated and confirmed will be able to travel freely in that country and meet with cubans of all walks of life, including political dissidents. not all questions have been resolved on this sticky issue but the administration believes much enough progress has been made to justify this step.
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there is no timetable of the naming for the first u.s. ambassador to cuba since 1961. >> pelley: major garrett with a busy day at the white house. major, thai. to more politics now the last sitting governor of new jersey to be elected president was democrat woodrow wilson. governor chris christie hopes he will be next. today he announced he is in the race ask here is nancy cordes. >> i mean what i say and i say what i mean and that's what america needs right now. >> reporter: he's known for his tough talk, but in his high school gym today christie said he's the only republican who's shown he can listen to both sides. >> that somehow now compromise is a dirty word. if washington and adams and jefferson believed compromise is a dirty world we would still be under the crown of england. >> reporter: christie said he learned to compromise as the republican governor of a democratic state where he's elected twice. >> so we rolled up our sleeves and we went to work and we
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balanced six budgets in a row. we've refused to raise taxes on the people of this state for six years. >> reporter: it's that swagger that had g.o.p. voters begging him to run for president in 1220. >> now is not my time. >> reporter: but then came bridgegate a traffic jam greated we christie's appointees to punish a local mayor. >> i had no knowledge of this of the planning, the execution or exg about it. >> reporter: the scandal fed his image as a bully. >> sut down and shut up. >> reporter: his pop of popularity at home has suchg to 30%. should your low approval rating here be an issue in this race? >> it won't be, you know. the fact is that, you know, i do hard things here and i accumulate political capital to spend it. that's the reason you do it in politics. those people who tonight spend their political capital and put it in a frame on the wall to look at, that's not what leadership is about. >> reporter: christie's troubles have cost him some donorsdonors and he does not have a big war chest like, say jeb bush. so he's focusing on new
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hampshire, where he hopes independent voters will give him a big win early on. in fact, scott christie is spending the next four days in that one state. >> pelley: nancy cordes, thank you so much, nancy. and with that we will pirouette to the american ballerina misty copeland who broke a 75-year barrier today when the american ballet theater announced she will become its first african american female principal ballerina. she's 32, and has been dancing with the theater for 12 years. this was her reaction: >> i had moments of doubting myself and wanting to quit because i didn't know that there would be a future for an african american woman to make it to this level. at the same time it made me so hungry to puch through to carry the next generation. so it's not me up here, and i'm constantly saying that. it's everyone that came before me that got me to this position, and all the little girls that can see themselves through me,
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it's giving them a brighter future. >> pelley: we have a treat later. we're going to have more about misty copeland and her amazing career broadcast. also, what you can do to save someone who's gone into cardiac arrest when the cbs evening news continues. introducing the first ever gummy multivitamin from centrum. a complete, and tasty new way to support... your energy... immunity... and metabolism like never before. centrum multigummies. see gummies in a whole new light. if you're suffering from constipation or irregularity powders may take days to work. for gentle overnight relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. ducolax provides gentle overnight relief, unlike miralax that can take up to 3 days. dulcolax, designed for dependable
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side effects may include diarrhea nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your doctor about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. institute of medicine called for a national campaign to fight the number three killer of americans-- sudden cardiac arrest. the survival rate outside a hospital is just 6%, and even when the patient is treated by first responders, only 11% survive. here's dr. jon lapook. >> reporter: the last thing 62-year-old steve tannenbaum remembers from may 6 2009 is walking on to a softball field. >> i was found blue without a pulse and no clinical signs of life at all. >> reporter: he had sudden cardiac arrest. two bystanders started c.p.r.,
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and within three to five minutes, the police arrived with a defibrillator and shocked tannenbaum's heart. >> ufs just incredibly lucky to be at the right place at the right time. >> reporter: the report found annually less than 3% of the u.s. population receives c.p.r. training and defibrillators are used by bystanders in just 4% of nonhospital cardiac arrests. dr. clifton callaway is vice chairman of emergency medicine at university of pittsburgh medical center. >> the number one priority is to be giving them chest compressions so you're stirkalating the blood for them. there are videos that will teach you in less than two minutes the basic steps that you need to know that could help double a chance of somebody surviving a sudden occurrediac arrest. >> pelley: jon intervention by bystanders is pretty rare, why is that? >> reporter: i think one big reason, scott, is people are afraid of hurting somebody. but, scott if somebody goes down with cardiac arrest and you are a bystander you may very well be their best chance for survival. and even in the chance
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unfortunately the person dies that the resuscitation is not successful, least the families have the peace of mind of knowing their loved one had a shot. they don't have to go the rest of their lives thinking what if. if they want to see the instructional video they can go to our web site, and there is other information there, too. >> schieffer: do that and save a life. jon, thank you very much perform coming up, another case where seconds count. this day will have an extra one.
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oh, man. a painful, blistering rash. if you had chickenpox, the shingles virus is already inside you. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. ah. after almost 3 weeks i just really wanted to give it a shot. you know, i'm not feeling it today. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about your risk. >> pelley: it's unlikely anyone survived when an indonesian air force plane crashed into homes today in the city of medan. more than 100 were on board the c-130, mostly military families. some on the ground were undoubtedly killed. the cause of the crash isn't known. change is coming at jetblue. today, the discount airline became the latest to charge a fee for the first checked bag $20 to $25. southwest is now the only major airline with no bag fee.
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got a second? you're going to get an extra one tonight to account for a slight slowdown in the rotation of the earth. in the east, the time will dp from 7:59:57 to 58, 59, and then 60. that is the leap second. then it will be 8:00. the longest minute of the year. when it comes to leaps, misty copeland is second to none. her story's next. with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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but they can also block activity in the bowel. i'm really struggling to find relief... ready to paint a different picture? yes! talk to your doctor about oic and prescription treatment options. i can do that! introducing the first ever gummy multivitamin from centrum. a complete, and tasty new way to support... your energy... immunity... and metabolism like never before. centrum multigummies. see gummies in a whole new light. >> pelley: finally tonight in her memoir, misty copeland calls herself an unlikely ballerina. as we told you, she was named today the american ballet theater's first african american principal ballerina. bill whitaker looked at her leap
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to stardom for "60 minutes." >> reporter: misty copeland will tell you she's never more alive than when she's on stage on her toes. her athleticism and grace on full display. she can leap through the air. she can spin on a dime upon. she can make you believe she's a swan by a lake. you feel comfortable up there. >> yes. something happens when you feel that energy and excitement there the audience, and you do, i don't, forpirouettes, you jump higher than you ever have, and it's just if th really magical thing that happens in those moments. >> reporter: she performs to sellout crowds on grand stages across the country. but it was this commercial for the sports wear company under armour that introduced her to a new audience.
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about six and a half million people see live ballet every year. almost eight million viewed this economy, online. a different audience found her when she danced with pop star prince. and there she was on the cover of "time" magazine as one of the 100 most influential people. >> hi, misty. >> reporter: we were at the stage door after aasmance in orange county, california. she was mobbed like a rock star. misty copeland lives in new york city. she feels most at home on the stage of the metropolitan opera house, where american ballet theater performs. >> pelley: "60 minutes," bill whitaker with misty copeland. she said today that the best advice she ever received was be you because you can't be anyone else. we're the cbs evening news. and for all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night.
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>> i'm meteorologist kate bilo with our latest look at storm scan3 which shows pretty strong storms firing up across the region. we have weakened since earlier when we had numerous tornado warnings although still pretty heavy rain in the poconos and a few storms impacting portions of south jersey and central new jersey at the moment. so again heavy rain here up through the pocono region we do still have a flash flood warning for that area and heading on south into portions of gloucester and camden counties moorestown evesham down toward gloucester right along 295 you are seeing heavy rain and still lightning and thunder as well. still dealing with some flash flood warnings especially in our north and west suburbs up through the lee lie valley and into the poconos right now. you can see lehigh valley warnings have just expired that's the good news carbon and monroe counties still aunt flash flood warning and we've got another hour on


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